Arbor Day Tree Planting

Mark Your Calendar for Bernville Borough’s Arbor Day! On Saturday, April 26th, join us at Umbenhauer Park for a tree planting to celebrate Arbor Day in Bernville.  The tree planting will be held at 10 AM.  Bernville celebrates Arbor Day to recognize the importance of trees in our community.  Bernville has celebrated Arbor Day for … Read more

Statement From the Borough

The Mayor and Council for the Borough of Bernville are aware of the incident that occurred in the Borough today involving an officer of the Police Department who was injured while responding to the incident.  It is the understanding of the Borough that the injuries were not life threatening.  The incident is being investigated by … Read more

Countywide Burn Ban

Berks County has imposed a county-wide burn ban, effective November 2, 2024. The burn ban has been enacted at the recommendation of the District Forester from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR). This burn ban is effect for 30 days. This has been due to the dry conditions our region has faced … Read more

Hydrant Flushing

Bernville Borough will be flushing fire hydrants, starting Monday, September 23rd, sometime late morning or early afternoon. During this process, Bernville Borough water customers may experience brownish/rust colored water. If you have any questions, please contact Brenda at 484-769-8594.

Yard Waste Center Update

The Borough has installed a push button at the exit gate of the yard waste center, to manually trigger the gate to open and exit the center. We hope this is helpful for those that do not use a vehicle when accessing the center.

Statement From Borough Council

In response to the comments made on Facebook by Shawn Raup-Konsavage, the elected Mayor of the Borough, following the attempted assassination of Donald Trump; Bernville Borough Council has issued the following statement.

Special Meeting Notice

NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS OF BERNVILLE BOROUGHThe Borough Council of the Borough of Bernville, Berks County, Pennsylvania will holda Special Meeting on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in Bernville Borough Halllocated at 6602 Bernville Road, Bernville, PA 19506 for consideration of adoption of a resolutionto sell real estate located at 1729 Stevens … Read more