Public Notice is hereby given that the Borough Council of Bernville, Berks County, Pennsylvania, will meet in regular session on the following dates for the year 2024:
January 2 July 2
February 6 August 6
March 5 September 3
April 2 October 1
May 7 November 6
June 4 December 3
All meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 PM with the exception of November’s meeting which will be held on a Wednesday due to Election Day.
Meetings are held in the Borough Hall at 6602 Bernville Road and are open to the public.
Public Notice is hereby given that the Bernville Borough Workshop meetings will be on the following dates for the year 2024:
January 23 July 23
February 27 August 27
March 26 September 24
April 24 October 22
May 28 November 26
June 25
All meetings will be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 PM. with the exception of April’s meeting which will be held on a Wednesday due to Primary Election Day. Meetings are held in the Bernville Borough Hall at 6602 Bernville Road and are open to the public. There will be no December Workshop meeting.
Bernville Borough Shade Tree Commission meetings planned for 2024 are:
Feb 1, May 2, August 1, and November 7. Meetings are held quarterly at 7PM in the Bernville Borough Hall.
Bernville Heritage & Cultural Society Committee meetings planned for 2024 are:
Feb 20, April 16, June 18, August 20 October 15, and December 17. Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of every other month at 2PM in the Bernville Borough Hall.